​With the help of dedicated community members, amazing young people, and an unparalleled team, the Carpenter Art Garden demonstrated exceptional resilience in 2021. image

​With the help of dedicated community members, amazing young people, and an unparalleled team, the Carpenter Art Garden demonstrated exceptional resilience in 2021.

Help us finish this half of our fiscal year STRONG by meeting half of our annual budget before December 31st. Your tax-deductible gift will propel CAG into our next chapter. Donate today to support our next ten years.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We are excited to share that this summer we will be celebrating TEN years on Carpenter Street!

As we have learned the art of social distancing while balancing health and safety guidelines in the past year, one thing has become abundantly clear: we need human connection. For this reason, the Art Garden is relevant. This makes the Art Garden special.

We have been lucky in the past decade to share in celebrating lots of moments at CAG. Both the large milestones as an organization and the daily happenings when a community connects at the garden.

In 2012 we celebrated meeting new friends while cleaning an overgrown vacant lot. In 2014 we celebrated opening the Purple House, allowing for year-round programs.

We celebrated the first time we fired up our kiln leading to the development of a mosaic program.

We celebrated arriving at Horn Island via sailboat for our first art immersion trip.

We celebrate a student selling their first painting or potholder.

We celebrate first paychecks from CAG when teens age into a job.

We celebrate when a recipe turns out perfect in the Garden Club kitchen.

We celebrate report cards, holidays, grade promotions, and passing our driver’s education exam (a first for us this year!).

We celebrate the staff who are dedicated to the work happening here.

Most importantly we celebrate YOU for your investment in our mission, commitment to the vision, and your continued support.

In 2020, we delivered on our mission through individual programs, such as take-home art projects and online prompts. We turned to educational support through virtual learning, offered outdoor art classes, and opportunities to purchase bicycles for those unable to use public transit. We opened a weekly market selling produce for those unable to grocery shop. Our adaptability hit an all-time high when we opened a mobile vaccine clinic at the Purple House in the Spring.

The tremendous commitment of donors likes you have brought CAG to this point in our story. Your tax-deductible gift will propel CAG into our next chapter. Donate today to support our next ten years.

In Gratitude,

Megan Banaszek
Executive Director, Carpenter Art Garden